Why US is keen to fight for Israel?
A regional war is steadily developing and the US is not allowing itself to be dragged into it by Israel, but rather it has willingly joined it. This is because the US loves to go to war for Israel. There are several reasons for this.

Posted by MainBrief2189


  1. MainBrief2189 on

    The nearly $4bn in US annual aid to Israel also mostly covers war-making systems purchased from American firms, so it constitutes a significant annual cash injection into the US military-industrial complex.

  2. Because a very large percentage of the US government is staffed by Jews and the rest are mostly delusional Zionist Christians.

  3. 13 intermingling tribes of Israel, intermingling (having mixed race families) with the Gentiles/Nations of the world

    With the tribes of Judah and Levi joining in AFTER the birth of The Light in the temporal flesh ✨️

    Making All of us mixed in the temporal flesh, but we are supposed to be one in The Light, oh Isrealites 💫

    Practicing our Father Love’s 1st Commandment of “love one another” BY!!!

    Practicing the universal and eternal self governance of Christianity of Always be fair, genuinely care and always share, and as always, Temporarily, if possible 😁

    Generally taught to children by a decent parent or two, certainly not by the labeling industries 🤣

    As long as humans keep referring to each other by their earthly heritage or group labels, Racism will continue to Rule.

    Colossians 3 1-11 ✨️

  4. Blueskaisunshine on

    Wouldnt it be weird if we were funding both sides? One for show, the other for real?

  5. Ghost_of_Durruti on

    US can’t have oil prices crash below the shale producer break even point. I wondering they’re trying to keep oil prices elevated while tip-toeing around a full blown war. 

  6. Brilliant_Ask1613 on

    Because if they can pull off the greater Israel project you can look for your self and see where the oil fields are located and then they’ll run a new canal and boom..got the world in a stranglehold for another 100 years..dollars fixing to crash so there just gonna barrel ahead full stop.is this not obvious to everyone??

  7. ilikethemsmolder on

    You have it backwards. Israel sends U.S to war, for them. They control the U.S. All sectors. Politics, Military, entertainment, etc. The U.S. population is nothing more than a money farm for the entire rest of the world weather it war, oil, tourism, etc.

    When you realize this, the state of the world makes sense.

  8. Familiar_Owl1168 on

    People running the country need a perfect reason to send huge chunk of money to their oversea accounts. And supporting a proxy war is one of that perfect reason.

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