1. Working_Extension_28 on

    Honestly who cares? colleges are just institutions run by liberals cranking out supporters of the democratic party.

  2. SupremeChancellor66 on

    Insanity to me that Tester in Montana and Brown in Ohio have voting records 99% in favor of Biden but represent heavily Republican states. How you can vote for the Republican at the top of the ticket but then vote for Democrats in Congress is behind me; you’re actively harming the top of the ticket you’re voting for.

  3. Aggravating_Kale8248 on

    This is typical democrat practice. If someone turns on the party, the party works to destroy that person and replace them with someone they can control. It’s disgusting that we have the equivalent of Tammany Hall in Washington. The Dems are weaponizing government to take out their opponents. They are the threat to democracy.

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