‘Pod Save America’ Won’t Quit

Posted by gary_oldman_sachs


  1. I have always felt that this podcast falls squarely on the propaganda side of the propaganda-information divide. The article more or less confirms this is by design:

    > As with its counterparts on the right, Crooked Media is trying to arm its audience with a set of winning political arguments. In each listener, the “Pod Save America” hosts see a potential proselytizer.
    > “We are giving information and in some cases very specific messaging advice to all of our listeners who then go out and have all those conversations,” Mr. Pfeiffer said. “Because all the research shows that the most persuasive messenger is someone you know or trust.”

    There is no surer way to destroy what credibility and trust I have than to try to stuff me full of precooked Democratic Party talking points and turn me loose.

    It’s similar to beef I have with Lakoff’s “Don’t Think of an Elephant!” Yes, framing is important. No, I don’t agree that you should absolutely insist dialogue be held within _your_ frame and redirect everything outside that frame. And I’m not all that interested in the frames you have selected for me. It’s all just a recipe for people talking past each other. And I think it makes for an uninteresting, grating podcast.

    > On a June episode, the hosts interviewed Addisu Demissie, a Democratic strategist, about Mr. Biden’s executive order to close the border. Mr. Demissie, a frequent guest on the podcast, advised progressives who were upset about the restrictive policy to “take a little bit of settle-down juice” given the electoral stakes.


  2. YimbyStillHere on


    It’s crazy how different vibe wise the liberal nerd media (pod save/ezra klein/matty) is vs the con nerd media (Ben Shapiro/?????)

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