JD Vance DESTROYS biased Nytimes Reporter

Posted by Flimsy-Shake7662


  1. Flimsy-Shake7662 on

    Thought JD did exceptionally well here on hostile territory. Every question was a gotcha and he spun them all around. People on the nytimes podcast sub are having a mental breakdown over this interview and thought people here could appreciate it

  2. draggedbyatruck on

    While I’m pleased with his performance, can we please stop this hyperbolic “journalism”? The right can be better than the left on many topics, so let’s make one of them stopping this “DESTROYED”, “OWNED”, “SLAMMED” nonsense.

    Either that or take it to the extreme, “JD Vance threw NY Times Reporter off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16ft through an announcers table!”

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