This was 1997 – The Weaponization and Control of Weather

Posted by enormousTruth

1 Comment

  1. SS: March 19, 1997 – The Test Technology Symposium, Advanced Weapon / Instrumentation Technologies:

    Swipe through the slides for more details. Here is a breakdown:

    * Weather modification capabilities to degrade enemy forces / enhance friendly operations
    * Longstanding treaties impacting weather manipulation
    * Methodologies to leverage weather weather modification for reconnaissance / satellite inhibition / enhance night-time ops
    * Storm modification energy production, (to be manipulated with lens for increased energy production)
    * How to steer a hurricane with carbon black dust

    Also included:

    * Interesting patents that link to real events that transpired whereas certain companies provided “storm protection” for energy companies.
    * Interesting blackout period where no hurricanes made landfall in USA that overlap with certain political events and treaties

    For more information visit [](

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