Kamala filibusters to runout the clock on her Fox interview. Bret Baier says she arrived 15 minutes late and her team was frantically waving at him behind her to cut off the interview.

Posted by Wookie9991


  1. Lmao yeah it was pretty pathetic. All she did was stick to her usual talking points and try to spend the entire time talking shit about Trump. Another failed interview. 

  2. Submission Statement: Kamala is a pro, managing to answer zero questions. She just talks about random stuff and gets offended when he cuts her off. Why does every interview have to be shortened or scripted or cut short or reshot? Just be real and chill

    Bret explained afterwards why it ended so suddenly and seemed short.

  3. She just blames Trump for the border. Shes the border czar, she could fix the border tomorrow or right now.

  4. TheYintoyourYang on

    It was like an episode of the Brady Bunch . Instead of Marsha, Marsha,Marsha it was..
    Kamala “Jan”Harris.


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