Sorry CBS you don’t have the high ground on this. Your side memed the Mostly Peaceful Protest.

Posted by DueDrama8301


  1. For months leading up to January 6th, Trump and his supporters spoke openly about a “fight.”

    Then, on that day, Trump told them to ascend to the Capitol. Once there, the doors were opened, and they were let in—we all know what happened next.

    To deny Trump’s involvement requires ignoring the obvious.

    The mainstream media has done its job well, making it appear as if Trump is at odds with the establishment, convincing many to believe the narrative on their screens.

    But it’s just a show. In reality, Trump and figures like Harris are playing their roles for the same establishment, maintaining the illusion of opposition.

  2. It actually does baffle me how up in arms people on the D side get over Jan 6 while being completely silent, or actually denying/downplaying, the entire Summer of 2020.

    How do you feign so much concern and outrage over people attacking corrupt politicians …. But you look the other way at people attacking everyday Americans and their communities?

    Me, personally, I think Jan 6 and Summer 2020 were complete shitshows and everyone involved should go to jail. But I know we should distinctly remember liberals rallying for Summer 2020, raising money for them, bailing them out, politicians encouraging and defending them and then using those protests to fundraiser for the DNC. **That. Shit. Happened**.

    Remember when they straight up took an entire neighborhood in Seattle using actual fucking arms?? And burned police stations??? And attacked federal buildings??? HOW THE FUCK IS THAT NOT CONSIDERED AN ARMED INSURRECTION???

    It’s wild seeing how the media plays that narrative and just ignores all the rest of that story to frame it as if it’s just the one side that encouraged violence, lawlessness and insurrection. It’s the ultimate proof that msm is in bed with the democrats. I don’t know how any adult can take them serious or lend them legitimacy after that with a straight face.

    But we’re supposed to only care about Jan 6? Hypocrites. So why should anyone take you hypocrites seriously on anything else?

    Edit: what pisses me off is how the side shouting about accountability never got held accountable for that. As a 3rd party outside looking on, the republicans are so incompetent and so stupid they dropped the ball on that. Bc I would have been showing raw footage of the summer of love up to Election Day on every ad

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