The Biden administration on Tuesday granted a gas export terminal the authority to ship fuel abroad after a court blocked its efforts to delay such permissions.

The Energy Department approved shipments from a New Fortress Energy facility in Mexico to countries with which the U.S. does not have a free-trade agreement.

The gas in question is originally sourced from the U.S.; it then will be transported to Mexico and later to other countries.

The administration announced earlier this year that it would pause new approvals for liquified natural gas (LNG) exports like the one it approved on Tuesday, but that pause was halted in court in July.

Nevertheless, environmental advocates expressed disappointment in the administration, as some hoped it simply wouldn’t approve major gas projects even without a formal pause in place.

Posted by John3262005


  1. PerspectiveViews on

    Using LNG for energy production generates roughly ⅓ of the carbon emissions compared to coal. LNG is specifically used internationally to replace coal as a base energy source.

    It’s really inexcusable to not be allowing American companies to export LNG. Oil rigs across the country simply flair it off instead of selling NATGAS as an energy source.

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