OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free

Posted by Anchor_Aways


  1. This is not a trivial concern. We need to seriously consider that OpenAI is developing the frontier models in AI and that they need to be profitable to compete in this space.

    Profit may not seem like it’s that important, but it keeps our models ahead of the countries with dystopian plans for the world. Do we really want China to have the best technology and for the world to build its infrastructure with their AI?

  2. ImHereToHaveFUN8 on

    The people saying „too bad“: do you really want to give a windfall profit to copyright owners and then set back AI development a decade by making it so that American companies can not legally access large amounts of data? What’s the point of this? You’re trading progress for money to Disney, Penguin and Warnerbrothers

  3. Can they even make money WHILE using copyrighted material for free?

    Edit: Seems like they didn’t make a direct claim about making money or not, just that they couldn’t deliver a product of sufficiently high quality without it. The title is phrased that way as kind of a ragebait imo.

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