A new analysis of American elections finds that in half of all races for partisan offices, a candidate runs unopposed. Democrats are the biggest no-shows.

Posted by PaulMcCartneyClone

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  1. PaulMcCartneyClone on

    [Article to get past paywall](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/04/us/missouri-uncontested-races-elections.html?unlocked_article_code=1.IE4.pi3Q.TmoFuvN1_MiQ&smid=url-share)

    Key points:

    “And though defending democracy was a dominant theme of the Democratic National Convention last month, in the 2022 midterms, Democrats failed to field a single candidate for fully half of all partisan offices — well over three times the rate of Republican no-shows.”

    “The online database Ballotpedia says that, on average, 58 percent of the thousands of elections it follows have a single candidate.“

    “Political scholars say that politicians elected without opposition cast fewer votes and introduce less legislation, and that no-contest elections depress voter turnout.”

    “But while the electorate splits roughly equally between the two parties, Democrats contest far fewer offices. One reason is that Republicans control more statehouses that have gerrymandered Democrats out of contention for legislative seats.”

    “But much of the disparity exists because voters have left the Democratic Party in many rural counties that are sparsely populated, but have as many elective posts as larger ones.”

    “A shortage of money, he said, is crucial. National party leaders pour dollars into states where races for federal offices determine national power. Democratic donors in Missouri cities do not make up the shortfall.”

    “And even when there is money, getting a message out is challenging. Newspapers are dying, local television news is sparse and a typical media diet can range from Facebook to Fox News. “Everybody’s so scattered and in their own little echo chamber,” Mr. Leighton said.”

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