Kamala Harris campaign told how to win by UK Labour strategist

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  1. attackofthetominator on

    She told her to have the conservative party repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot?

  2. No offense to the Brits, but putting down the Tories seems like it had more to do with the sad state of British politics than some master plan by Labour.

  3. Labour and Starmer’s approval ratings are in the bin. They won the election because the Tories completely failed and lost their vote share from lots of different sides. Completely different scenario. It’s like when Ed Miliband hired David Axelrod who had advised the Obama campaign. It failed completely

  4. Labour wins one election after shitting the bed for two decades, including failing to vocally oppose a policy blunder as bad as any in recent history and suddenly they’re giving Democrats advice?

  5. ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha

    Labor had an average win despite tories fumbling for over a decade. Kamala is defending her job, there is a difference

  6. ConnorLovesCookies on

    ā€œWhat you want to do is let the other party run the country poorly for yearsā€¦ so poorly that their typical voters defect to a third party giving you the win despite getting less votes than when you lost five years earlierā€

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