World shipbuilding, as a % of total in gross tonnage, by country and region.

Posted by CauliflowerPure7614


  1. CauliflowerPure7614 on

    After reading a Noahpinion post today on why America has such a lackluster shipbuilding industry. I thought it would be helpful to share this chart to provide some historical context. For most of the 20th century, aside from the world wars, the US was never really one of the major contenders in the industry. It went from Britain for most of the first half. Then to Japan, South Korea and China. The chart is from the article: [](

  2. Sensitive_Oil7146 on


    Japan + South Korea + China are responsible for a very large proportion of modern day ship building

    Everyone else is a small player

    This is – and I know this sub will hate to hear this – a major justification for the Jones act. It keeps US shipbuilding alive, which would be crucial in a Naval War

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