I came across this article Anatomy of a North Carolina Gerrymander and it honestly just makes me angry about how blatant, disgusting, shameless and partisan these people are.

the most fucked thing about this story seems to me the NC supreme court justices that are just so blatantly and disgustingly partisan. maybe it's because I grew up and was taught how judges try to be as objective and leave politics at the door after they assume their roles that is just annoys me to no end when they do these things.

It's also the way for local shitty politicians to both fuck over their own people but also the entire US by not representing the will of their people fairly, honestly if the dems did the same in their states (NY and Cali) or if everyone was just not a piece of shit about it I think the democrats would have retained the house in 2022.

I want to see democratic states stop their bullshit "fairness" and play the same dirty game as the republicans, yeah I wanna see 90% of of their representatives go to the dems to even out the shitty republican states.

rant over

Posted by Same-Fix1890

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