Polish, Lithuanian presidents hope for Ukraine’s NATO inclusion

Posted by BubsyFanboy

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  1. !ping POLAND&EUROPE

    >**Polish President Andrzej Duda and his Lithuanian counterpart Gitanas Nausėda have reaffirmed their hope for Ukraine to become a member of NATO.**

    >During a meeting in Lublin, eastern Poland, on Thursday, the two leaders signed an agreement focusing on bilateral relations, emphasizing the importance of cooperation concerning Ukraine, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

    >”Our Ukrainian neighbors are integrating into NATO processes, including through their service in the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade, LitPolUkrBrig,” said Duda.

    >This multinational brigade, formed in the fall of 2015, consists of military units from Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, and serves as a platform for sharing military experiences and enhancing defense strategies.

    >Duda highlighted the critical insights gained from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, stating: “The experience collected under tremendous hardship — defending their homeland and battling the Russian aggressor — is invaluable.”

    >These insights are pivotal in shaping defensive strategies and refining operational procedures, Duda told reporters.

    >He and Nausėda opened a Polish-Lithuanian business forum for the defense sector. Nausėda, accompanied by his wife, was on an official visit to Poland that started on Wednesday.

    >During the meeting, Duda congratulated Nausėda on his recent electoral victory, wishing him success in his next five years in office.

    >The cooperation between the two nations, especially in the context of supporting Ukraine’s NATO aspirations, underscores a significant strategic alliance in the region, the PAP news agency reported.

    >The discussions also encompassed the strengthening of cybersecurity and defense capabilities.

    >This year marks the 455th anniversary of the Union of Lublin, a 1569 treaty that created the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, a single state which was one of the largest and most influential in Europe at the time.


    >Source: IAR, PAP

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