To the free thinkers who still believe Dems rigged the 2020 election, this is your time to shine! Give him all the hard evidence you have. Don't be shy. I know you can do it. He needs your help quick!

Posted by BoringStockAndroid


  1. If the evidence existed, it would have come out by now. Even Trump admitted that he, “lost by a whisper”.

  2. RefrigeratorQuiet327 on

    Even when presented countless pieces of evidence and proof, left leaning Reddit bots and gender confused libs will say NOpE tHaTs NoT gOoD eNoUgH

  3. HenreyLeeLucas on

    Help him out with what?
    If he had the evidence then produce it. It’s a win win as he doesn’t have to pay money, is proven right, and the world would know the truth that he has.

  4. ReddtitsACesspool on

    If elections mattered, they would be pen and paper and have validators at every voting center. Old school way, but only real way to do it without the potential for hacks or rogue programming of the various systems

  5. For anyone not familiar with this guy: his specific claim was that ANTIFA held a secret conference call with Dominion to talk about stealing the election and he heard it all because someone gave him the phone number to call into and listen.

  6. It could be like the wind, maybe we all saw it happen but the truth can’t be proven after it’s blown by. I think they stole the 2016 primary from Bernie, they stole the 2020 primary from Tulsi. Now they’re installing a “Dear Leader” who has never received a single vote to run for president because they refuse to allow primary debates or election. They kept other Democrat candidates off ballots….on and on. The Democrats don’t care about democracy. To quote a once brilliant Democrat: ” It’s a rigged system”

  7. TranslatorOld9563 on

    Well, the whole of media constantly slandering one side while lionizing the other side is no small thing.

    Zuck recently admitted Facebook rigged its algorithms to bury the Biden laptop story.

    One guy gets held accountable for farting 10 years ago, the other guy can’t even finish a single coherent sentence or walk up a flight of stairs and the media covers for him.

  8. You’re not allowed to publicly have certain theories. That freedom doesn’t exist here, unless you want to be punished by those who deem themselves rulers.

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