Bl.ckrock / V.ngu@rd may own all media, but most news sites are denying or avoiding the trans acceptance motivations with the shooter

Why do media sites blatantly hide publishing the shooter's motivations?

Posted by enormousTruth


  1. SS: they own CNN too.. but News Media obfuscates certain details regarding the motivations behind the mass shooting event. Why would they hide this? Why did CNN slip this back into the story when everyone else removed it?

    CNN quotes the shooter: “im committing a mass shooting and im waiting a good 2-3 years,” stated the account user, according to screenshots included in an FBI incident report from May 2023 obtained by CNN. “I cant kill myself yet, cause I’m not contributing anything to culture I need to go out knowing I did.”

    The account referenced Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, and in separate posts shared a desire to target an elementary school and expressed frustration with the acceptance of transgender people.

  2. Apprehensive_Ad4457 on

    “expressed frustration with the acceptance of transgender people”

    what, exactly, does that mean?

    are they frustrated that they aren’t getting accepted enough, or getting accepted too much?

  3. I haven’t seen a single post or comment on this sub in regards to the covenant trans shooters manifesto being released then retracted. The screenshots I saw were that , Audrey who wanted to become Aiden, would kill for hormone medications, hated white people and Christians. Then a day or two later this shooting happens. 

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