Citizen’s money: Scholz wants more Ukrainians in work [translated article in comments]


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  1. >Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is calling for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to take up employment in Germany. Scholz said at an SPD citizens’ dialogue in Teltow that he believes that many Ukrainians who are being supported here in Germany should work. The town is located in Scholz’s Brandenburg constituency, where he appeared on Saturday in his capacity as a member of the Bundestag.


    >The number of Ukrainians already in work has risen to more than 200,000 thanks to the federal government’s so-called job turbo. ‘But there were a few hundred thousand more, if I may say so clearly. That’s why I would like to see work done.’ Scholz said it was acceptable if people were not immediately able to work in the profession of their qualification or only part-time at first. This is reasonable in other countries and should also apply to Germany.

    >Certificates can also be obtained later, said Scholz


    >Scholz also assigned responsibility to the federal states and employers. There are far too many parallel recognition offices for professional qualifications and qualifications in the federal states, he said. ‘That’s rubbish. We are making every effort to reduce the number of recognition centres,’ he said. It was also unacceptable that of the 2,000 Ukrainian doctors who wanted to work in Germany, only 120 had been authorised to do so. Scholz called on employers: ‘Look at the people; see if it works.’ Certificates could also be obtained later.


    >The background to the request is the debate about the fact that a large number of the Ukrainian war refugees who have been accepted in Germany are receiving citizens’ benefits instead of working. The reasons given for this in the debate include generous citizen’s benefits, but also requested language courses or a lack of childcare places.


    >As of July 2024, more than one million Ukrainians have fled to Germany since the start of the Russian war of aggression in February 2022.


    >Translated with []( (free version)

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