Jim Jones was CIA: The Jonestown massacre was the result of a 15 year long MK Ultra CIA mind-control experiment.

Posted by astralrocker2001


  1. astralrocker2001 on

    Submission Statement: On November 18 1978, 913 people died in Jonestown, a small compound carved out of the jungles of Guyana, a small country on the northeast coast of South America. The media at the time reported that it was a fanatical group of followers of the Rev. Jim Jones, lead to the jungles of South America to get away from the oppression of life here in America.

    The Hidden Truth is; Jim Jones was an Intelligence Operative, and Jamestown was a NWO Mind Control experiment.

  2. astralrocker2001 on

    Congressman Leo Ryan was known for his vocal criticism of the lack of congressional oversight of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and co-authored the Hughes–Ryan Amendment, passed in 1974, which requires the president of the United States to report covert CIA activity to Congress.

    Leo Ryan traveled to find the truth about Jonestown. When he landed he was ambushed, and was hit by gunfire at the Port Kaituma, Guyana, airstrip.

  3. astralrocker2001 on

    Dan Quayle was invited to Jonestown in 1978 by friend Congressman Leo Ryan. Quayle declined and Leo Ryan was murdered in Jonestown.

    Jim Jones was an Indiana University graduate.

    Dan Quayle is a Indiana University grad.

    Indiana and Indiana University are a big CIA rabbit hole.

    Richard Helms worked in Indianapolis.

    Charles Manson teenage years spent in Indianapolis

    *Note: Manson was briefly sent to Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska. Boys Town/Nebraska were involved in the Franklin Scandal

    1949: Charles Manson sent to Boys Town in Omaha

    Other IU grads: Dr. Beurt SerVass (CIA), Dan Quayle, Mike Pence, Robert Gates (CIA), Angela Atwood (SLA), William King Harvey (CIA)

    Indiana University was home to Rockefeller-funded Kinsey research and MK Ultra experiments.

    Mike Pence and Dan Quayle longtime friends of OSS/CIA operative and Dr. Beurt SerVass

    Dan Quayle allegedly helped Dr. SerVass build a brass-smelting plant for Saddam Hussein
    Trump and Pence are connected to Cerberus

    Dan Quayle is Chairman of Cerberus Global Investments

    Cerberus, in Greek mythology, the monstrous watchdog of the underworld

    Who is Dan Quayle & why is CIA backed hedge fund Cerberus investing in Northern Ireland?

    John Floyd Hull -Indiana native -OSS/CIA operative -Iran-Contra involvement

  4. Naturally_Fragrant on

    If you can convince people to drink the koolaid, convincing them to line up for the jab doesn’t seem so difficult.

  5. astralrocker2001 on

    Indiana has quite a history related to CIA spies, MK-Ultra, infamous cult leaders and a consolidated city and county government created by an OSS spy, business mogul and politician, Dr. Beurt SerVass, and his pal, former Naval intelligence officer and future senator, Richard “Dick” Lugar.

    Some of the most interesting and frightening Indiana stuff pertained to Dr. Beurt SerVass.

    There was a popular blogger/lawyer Gary Welsh that often called out Dr. SerVass and Welsh even had words with Beurt’s son Eric.

    Gary Welsh wound up committing “suicide”.

    Eric SerVass threatens Gary Welsh?

    “Sad that a progressive blog named Advance Indiana chose to rip my dad with wacky conspiracy theories the day after he died, a man who gave 40+ years of public service to advance his city and state. Involved in Iran-Contra?! Good grief. Mr. Welsh – equally wrong and wacky water company intrigue. French son-in-law and spies! Wow. Eric Servaas”

    “My parting suggestion is that you, Barbara and your six readers put on the tin foil hats and crawl back into your holes before my dad’s spy friends come looking for you.” -Eric SerVass https://advanceindiana.blogspot.com/2014/02/rip-beurt-servaas.html?m=1

    Gary Welsh Dead https://fraudstupid.blogspot.com/2016/05/gary-welsh-dead.html?m=1

    Gary Welsh suicide? Blogger of Advance Indiana https://www.indianapolismonthly.com/arts-and-culture/mysterious-death-blogger-gary-welsh

    Pence and Quayle were mutual friends with Dr. Beurt SerVass https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2014/04/the-saturday-evening-post-mourns-the-loss-of-owner-dr-beurt-r-servaas/

    SerVass was friends with former CIA Director William Casey.

    Mike Pence & 2001 Anthrax attacks:

    “Soon after, a suspicious letter was found in the office of then-Congressman and current Vice President Mike Pence. Media Roots noted the following about Pence’s subsequent press conference in a 2018 podcast that examined the timeline of the 2001 anthrax attacks:

    “…Mike Pence, who once hosted an AM talk show describing himself as ‘Rush Limbaugh on decaf,’ conducts a press conference outside the Capitol proclaiming revenge and biblical style justice to whoever conducted the anthrax attacks. His family–with news cameras in tow–gets tested for anthrax at the hospital after it is allegedly found in his office. No news outlets questioned his grandstanding or odd performance of going to the hospital with his family, and unlike Senators Daschle and Leahy in their press appearances, Mike Pence alluded to the anthrax letters being connected to the larger ‘war on terror.’”

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