Islamist terrorism is staging a barbaric comeback

Posted by yuri_2022

1 Comment

  1. Vessarionovich on

    >Time and again, the response from the elites to Islamist terror follows a depressingly similar pattern.

    >We Europeans are exhorted to mourn, to express shock at attacks carried out or relief at attacks foiled, before briskly moving on.

    >Politicians will crack down on certain types of weapons, or pledge to close asylum loopholes exploited by terror groups and sympathisers, before getting back to what they see as the proper business of politics.

    >Thus, we have come to treat acts of Islamist barbarism almost as if they were natural disasters – awful, awful things that just happen from time to time.

    Yes indeed…..the new normal. And as with all natural disasters, there are no lessons to be learned, no sociological trends to explore, no policy-decisions to be made. Islamic terror is now just a fact of life in Europe, like hurricanes on America’s Gulf coast.

    One would hope that someday, some Western sociologist at some university….would dare to suggest the obvious…

    1) That while Islam is many things – both good and bad – political extremism and religiously-motivated violence exist *within* the traditions of the faith, not *outside* them.

    2) Bringing in millions of Muslim migrants to Europe has opened the door to all manner of societal pathologies characteristic of Islam, most of which were previously unheard of on the Continent….at least in modern times. These include veiling women, FGM, honor killings, the killing of apostates, religiously-motivated terrorism, restrictions on speech, the endemic rape of non-Muslim women and girls by Muslim men, etc., etc.

    And the European elite pretends to be utterly mystified why right-wing extremist parties like the Afd keep increasing their share of the vote. But the reason is obvious to one and all….which is the continued refusal of the elite to address the growing concerns of ordinary Europeans about the dangers of mass Muslim migration. It’s the modern day version of “let them eat cake”.

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