5 companies that are scaling back DEI, ᏞGBT advocacy

Posted by each_thread


  1. Time to start sniffing for wokeism’s next name, because they don’t go away they only change names.

  2. You mean that companies are actually supposed to be profitable and not drive away half their potential customers with their political bullshit?

  3. Like every other flash in the pan cultural fad, the people behind the corporate DEI/LGBTQ push made the mistake every first time gambler makes when they have a win: they never pick up their chips and walk out of the casino. Nope, they keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing, and eventually they always crap out. Their “movement” notched a few early wins and became part of the zeitgeist for a moment there, but instead of booking the win they kept pushing and pushing and are now at the “OMG I can’t believe I am losing I need to Martingale and as soon as I get back to even and I swear I’ll never go to the casino again!” phase and are heading straight toward destitution/cultural irrelevance.

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