Democrats Freaking Out Because Trump Says He Will Jail Election Cheaters

Posted by CuppieWanKenobi


  1. Mountain_Man_88 on

    We’re gonna go through the classic Democrat cycle of “that didn’t happen” to “that happened but not to the extent you think” to “that happened but Republicans are to blame” and finally to “yes it happened and Democrats did it but here’s why it’s a good thing!”

    They’re gonna say that they had to subvert democracy to preserve democracy. Really they’ve already been saying this without admitting to subverting democracy, by constantly saying that Trump is a threat to democracy.

    Remember how razor thin the margins were in some of these elections? For some reason only in the most important of the elections. Just a little bit of cheating would have been enough to sway the whole thing, but they won’t even let the election be audited. Because they got the results that they wanted.

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