Get Musk: Leading Investor Calls for the Prosecution of Elon Musk for “Undermining” the Federal Government

Posted by yuri_2022


  1. We are close to a general acceptance that free speech is dangerous and must be curtailed. They won a tremendous battle when they convinced the world that “hate speech” was a real thing and should be stamped out. Now they are actively deciding for everyone what hate speech is and nobody granted that authority. Talk about dangers to democracy.

  2. IrishWolfHounder on

    Musk gave himself a huge platform with X and is a blast to follow. Money aside, buying Twitter was a great move for him… especially from a marketing perspective.

    He is also become a hero to conservatives on X. I’ve grown to have tremendous respect and admiration for him. If they ever truly tried to arrest him there is a large silent part of the public that will be very angry.

    He’s welcome to hide in my basement if he needs.

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