COVID was a lab leak and killed about 28 million people, but few want to admit it and discuss it

Posted by liberty4now


  1. Submission statement: For now, let’s set aside the possibility it was an intentional leak. This article sees it as an industrial/scientific accident, which is bad enough. The previous “Worst accident of all time” was Bhopal, which killed about 25,000, but COVID was over a thousand times worse. All the best evidence points to a lab leak, but discussion has been suppressed. Reddit was very harsh on dissident COVID voices (remember WuhanFlu and NoNewNormal?). Major scientific organizations don’t want to talk about it.

  2. Uh, let’s see. We’re talking about people who died of covid, right? Does that include people who actually died of things like motorcycle accidents but were RECORDED as dying of covid? How about people who died of covid THERAPIES, such as deep sedation plus intubation? Does it include all the early deaths resulting from the covid mRNA vaccines (big jump in excess deaths starting in 2021)?

    Disclaimer: I am not an anti-vaxxer. Nor a doctor. My opinions are for amusement only, and should not be construed as medical advice.

  3. Covid was a marketing campaign for an injection they already developed and needed to create demand for.

  4. Bioweapon released to hurt the populist. 
    Bioweapon “cure” released to quell the masses. 

    Halliburton builds bombs that destroy. 
    Halliburton gets contracts to rebuild schools and bridges. 

    Take from that what you will.

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