How the War on Terror Warped the American Left

Posted by Rigiglio


  1. As a young left-leaning guy, my first exposure to the far left was at an anti Iraq-war rally. Palestinian bus bomber apologists, Mumia obsessives, the inevitable communist newspaper hawker. I’m not sure if it was the birth of the “Omnicause” then and there, but it became clear to me personally that an unfocused “America Bad” contrarianism was the common theme around everything else was wound.

  2. Own_Locksmith_1876 on

    >When Beck applies his fixed worldview to 2024, his blinkers become obvious. In Russia’s war to swallow Ukraine, he spares some sympathy for President Vladimir Putin, who must deal with an American government that has “lavished Ukraine with military aid while simultaneously looking to expand NATO’s membership.” That the Ukrainians themselves have asked for this help in order to preserve their sovereignty seems irrelevant to Beck. What he recommends for Ukrainians and their American backers is “restraint, serious diplomatic engagement, and caution.”

    Oh wow the anti-American guy is pro-Russian what suprise

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