The Dangerous Rise of the Podcast Historians

Posted by Rigiglio


  1. PrideMonthRaytheon on

    This “problem” pales in comparison to the problem of guys learning about history from paradox games

  2. Lies presenting in the language of documentary has always been an incredibly sinister form of disinformation precisely because it pats the listener on the back for taking the effort to delve deeper, and gives them a false sense of security.

    I was a huge fan of Kraut before I realized he was confirming too many of my priors, and sure enough found considerable body of dissent to his historical narratives.

  3. Dry_Wolverine7411 on

    Maybe I’m just not much of a podcast guy, but podcasts don’t seem like a good medium for anything serious or important. Podcasts about TV shows, movies or other casual stuff are okay.

    My friend has been pestering me to listen to this law and politics podcast run by a renowned law professor. So I listened a recent episode where a renowned NYU history professor was the guest. She apparently has written multiple bestselling books etc etc.

    Within minutes, they start critiquing Donald Trump’s ‘neoliberal’ economic policies and confirm my priors about podcasts.

  4. This is silly. Fringe voices will always be out there, you can’t stop them, and you shouldn’t try. Free speech comes with a few vulnerabilities, of course. But the alternative, policing speech, not only ends in disaster, but the process only empowers the fringe by the negative attention.

    No, the way to confront dangerous fringe influencers is to you know, WIN the argument. Persuasion.

  5. > By ignoring the fact that Nazi Germany targeted people with Jewish ancestry for extermination and mass-murdered them on this basis, Cooper engages in a form of Holocaust denial.

    Cooper doesn’t ignore these. He endorses them as legitimate solutions to the Jewish question, which he recognizes as a legitimate concern for the German state.

    Cooper is not a Holocaust Denier he is a fucking Nazi. Nazis don’t deny their handiwork.

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