I Will Not Be Tuning In To Watch Blackrock Backed Harris vs Blackstone Backed Trump “Debate”. They will answer no questions about the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians or The West Blatantly Trying to Start WW3

Posted by gringoswag20


  1. ss:

    No matter which presidential candidate is elected, the outcome will remain the same because both are influenced by secret societies, defense contractors, and powerful corporations. These entities have significant control over global affairs and push agendas that benefit them, often at the expense of the general public. They thrive on chaos, as it allows them to intervene and establish a centralized order that consolidates their power and control, making the election outcome irrelevant to their overarching goals.

  2. No_Independent_6800 on

    Dude if WW3 was going to start it would have. Both sides make constant empty threats. They’ve been throwing bombs at each other since like 2022. They’re Israel and Palestine part 2. Remember when Iran was making threats against attacking Israel? Now they fell off. All these countries are lame.

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