When will we get a video of Aurora, CO residents and Venezuelan migrants having a BBQ togethet?

Posted by Zenithreg


  1. The ODNR removed the ducks,geese and swans from the park because they were being killed and eaten. There is a picture of a Haitian walking down the street with a dead Canadian goose in his hand.

    Idk bout dogs and cats but people have definitely had their chickens stolen and killed. Not a farm, just people with a few chickens in their backyard (not uncommon in rural America).

    Reports have come in that cats have been missing so it’s likely to say that the stories are likely true.

    There are more issies than that. Death of a kid on a school bus, many traffic incidents, flipping cars, crashing into shit as if they don’t know how to drive but somehow can afford a car but don’t have insurance etc and cops and city ain’t doing shit. Govenor approved it and dad govt made them protected so they can’t be touched, prosecuted or deported. It’s wild what is happening in America and this is just one town. Gonna happen more and there is a plan for it. They are planning it. You know who.

  2. PuzzledFreakAddict on

    When I was growing up, they had to take the geese and swans out of our park because the homeless people were eating them. This was 15 years ago. Not really new thing as far as I’m concerned and not specific to illegal immigrants. It’s totally disturbing regardless.

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