Scientists: Stealing The Blood Of The Young May Make YouMore Youthful

“In a new study published in the prestigious journal Nature Aging, the team found that particles in mouse blood called extracellular vesicles (EV) send instructions for a longevity protein called "Klotho" to muscle cells, according to a press release from the University of Pittsburgh. As the mice age, the EVs seemingly become weaker and send fewer instructions for the protein as a result.

However, when the team gave older mice the blood of younger mice, their cells and tissue began to take on more youthful features like enhanced muscle regeneration. When the EVs were removed from the blood, though, the effect faded.”

Posted by rontonsoup__

1 Comment

  1. Guinness-the-Stout on

    Hmm, just yesterday, by co-inky-dink, a reel on facespooge ah, facebook was showing a new startup company named Ambrosia that was doing young plasma infusions. I started the startpage/goduckgo hunt and found the FDA dropped the hammer down back in 2018-2019 (I wonder why???). Here’s a plot twist: now that there is “concern” about mRNA tainted blood, how does all those youngsters being vaxxed affect the “supply”. I’m fairly Certain a certain group of people have there own,ah, breed, er, supply already in storage.

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