Who do you believe did this to America?

Posted by External-Noise-4832


  1. I have known people who have inflicted bruises on themselves in an attempt to get somebody else in trouble. Me thinks it is one of those. Kind of like specific people who paint swastikas on their own temples or burn crosses in their own front yards. It gives them an excuse to retaliate even though the perpetrator of the actual crime is themselves.

  2. No one did this “to America.” They want you to gloss over the fact that actual individual people were murdered and none of those crimes has seen day one in a court room. We have launched plenty of military operations to do this or that “for America” but we’ve done jack shit about the people who actually committed the various murders that occurred that day.

  3. I’m very conflicted so I can’t really say since I don’t have a strong opinion. But 9/11 was the first conspiracy that got me to open my eyes and mind. It’s still so crazy how this happened and how much weird shit went on with it. The official story from the government is a joke. 

  4. I’m asking because I want to learn. Is there anything about the terrorist hijacking plot that would have been actually impossible to execute?

    Personally, I believe the conspiracy here is that the US or potentially our allies had information about the plot but the bureaucracy of the intelligence system was too slow to make it actionable, so it was buried.

    The Patriot Act clearly shows they wanted to enhance the monitoring and reporting systems after 9/11.

  5. rosehymnofthemissing on

    The United States Government, including CIA, likely in collusion with at least one or two overseas governments or countries – such as Saudi Arabia.

  6. RequiredToCommemt on

    Stop paying attention to who did it and start paying attention to who profited from it, who is in a better position because of it.

  7. Legal_Beginning471 on

    America did it to America. False flag to justify invading other countries for the elites.

  8. You can’t narrow it down to one. There are so many players and countries involved to different degrees. This is something that was being planned since the 60’s, with the rejection of Operation Northwoods and the construction of the WTC towers. They were built for 9/11.

  9. Is this really a conspiracy at this point? My father is a well renowned metallurgical engineer and he has always said (even when it happened) that there is no way any of the buildings could have fallen that quickly. He said at most the steel of the top floors would have weakened after several hours of burning (not 1 hr) and some of the top floors could have toppled over. And this is just the twin towers (not building 7)

  10. juliusevola1984 on

    it was a false flag/Mass Ritual planned and orchestrated by Mossad, CIA, and complicit accomplices in the USA government.

  11. Remember all of the steel was encased in 100,000 tons of concrete to insulate the steel. There is a reason skyscrapers are overly designed to withstand a LOT of heat for a LOOOOONG long period of time

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