Calls for NYPD commissioner to resign pour in after top aide linked to Chinese Communist Party

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  1. Could corruption explain why the Sisonites were paid by the government after committing civil unrest in 2020? I know of know other city which issued payments in the following years.

    The journalist Daniel Greenfield documented a particular[ 2020 unrest incident]( which was perpetrated by an FTP group, and the and the subsequent payments to members of the group.

    Proof that an FTP group planned and carried out the incident is found in the supporting links provided by Greenfield.

    Today, the Revolutionary Maoist Coalition is the successor body to the now defunct Organizing Coalition for a Maoist Communist Party. The local RMC units mostly have a new naming system, but their local group in Chicago retained the old FTP (For the People) name from the OC-MCP days. The OC-MCP was a member of the ILPS, International League of Peoples’ Struggle, which was founded by Jose Maria Sison. Sison was on the U.S. terrorist watch list for the last several decades of his life, and had ordered the August 21, 1971 Plaza Miranda bombing.

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