Theories on what happened to cause Building Seven to collapse at 5 pm on 9/11?

Posted by sassysince90


  1. The building was *on fire* for 6 hours. Only time in history a skyscraper burned for so long, with no attempts to put it out. Any explosives hidden inside would’ve ignited long before it collapsed.

    This wasn’t jet fuel melting steel, it was a structurally weakened building eventually pancaking in on itself, starting with the top floor, after being on fire for multiple hours.

  2. The question I would like to know is what happened to building number 6 ?

    That is one serious crater !

  3. Structural and foundation damage due to two of the largest buildings in the world collapsing across the street combined with a long burning fire.

    ….I utterly don’t understand why this is not considered credible by 911 truther folk.

  4. Melted aluminum was among the debris falling on it, making it catch on fire: fire burning was observed in 12 different floors: decision was made to just let it burn, as all personal had been evacuated out of it.

  5. SubstantialNinja on

    The spire of building 1 put a huge gash in the side of the building weakening the internal structure leading to a failure cascade.

  6. New York City isn’t built on rock or dirt, it’s built on concrete. The ground below building 1,2, and 7 is hollow, as it was a massive underground parking and service area. When the two main towers fell it damaged supports under building 7 which caused to collapse

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