Tim Russert had guts to asked bush and kerry in the interviews about skull and bones. President or not he didn't give a damn about their status but to make the public aware of these scums that runs the country. He was also invloved in the CIA leak scandal and the Iraq war.

He died of "coronary artery disease" because he exposed so much of these scums he died of heart attack.

Posted by crannynorth


  1. He didn’t press the issue, but just the fact that he brought it up at all was impressive for a mainstream journalist. I’m not sure they’d have killed him for it, like I said he wasn’t really pressing the issue, but who knows? The elites don’t like people talking about their secret little clubs where they network and perhaps are compromised (belonging to these clubs often involves rituals or group activities that would ruin them if they became public) to make sure they stay loyal.

  2. Russert died on June 13th which also happened to be a Friday. Skull & Bones are all about that mumbo jumbo.

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