According to the government flight 93 disappeared into this hole

Posted by dukey


  1. Submission statement: Flight 93 was a Boeing 757-200. Never seen a plane vaporize before. Wreckage from the plane was found up to 8 miles away. I wonder if it was actually shot down.

  2. This is the most obvious of the lies. There was never a plane crash here. Plane crashes leave distinctive wreckage, and no such wreckage exists here.

  3. That’s the anomaly that at the time I thought more people would question.

    When an aircraft with thin aluminum skin hits a steel building it slices through it like butter, but when it hits dirt it disintegrates and when it hits reinforced concrete it penetrates multiple layers.

  4. 15,000lbs Rolls Royce titanium and high grade steel jet engines wouldn’t stand a chance against dirt. If you want the truth, don’t use your brain, thats what the msm is for

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