1. The Carbon tax has hit unfathomable levels of Trudover. It’ll be a generation before a politician even thinks to reimplement it once it’s gone

    !ping Can

  2. But isn’t a carbon tax one of the ways that is really helpful in helping reduce/solve climate change?

  3. Singh: the most reasonable policy to fight global warming just isn’t worth the price of me having fifteen seats next election instead of sixteen

  4. Professional_Scum on

    The federal NDP continuing to be the most pathetic party in the country, and that’s with some amazing competition

  5. I’m not nearly as well read on the carbon tax as I should be, but I know anecdotally I think I’m a net beneficiary of the tax. I think more people are also net beneficiaries than they realize.

    I don’t know the details of how much prices have gone up due to the carbon tax (i.e. the tax cost being passed onto consumer via price increases) but I do get a not insignificant amount of money from the government via the rebates they offer. I doubt that the cost of the tax being passed onto the consumer is enough to offset the money I receive due to the tax. So I think I come out ahead, to me it seems like a very reasonable policy to increase the financial incentive to reduce co2 emissions while also offsetting the worst effect of companies just passing it off to the consumer.

    It’s sad it’s become so politically toxic, it seems like a policy that a conservative leaning government could have implemented to combat climate change. It’s only toxic because the liberals did it, had the conservatives done it as a “use the free market to fight climate change” it would’ve been received a lot better.

  6. Climate change also puts a burden on the backs of working people, and I mean that literally because anyone who has to work outside does not have the luxury of beating the heat increase with A/C. But, hey, no one ever went broke betting on the popularity of short term relief over long term care; in fact, it’s the basis of many billion dollar industries.

  7. Apparently, the biggest lesson we have learned from this entire episode is that people with large carbon footprints vote.

  8. Meme party.

    Like, people inherently figured the NDP had the best plan for the environment regardless of platform. They couldn’t even keep that up.

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