Why are caps now attached to bottles? Blame the EU

Posted by technocraticnihilist

1 Comment

  1. jauznevimcosimamdat on

    I honestly don’t know anyone who approves of this.

    The whole issue has several layers in my experience:

    * Attached caps make it more obnoxious to manage bottles.
    * Wanna drink right from the bottle? Have fun battling with the cap
    * Wanna pour some into a glass? Have fun with adjusting the cap so you don’t pour the drink everywhere else
    * People rip off the caps anyway because of the point #1
    * Average Joes feel like they are the ones who are supposed to suffer the consequences of solving the climate change problem
    * Average Joes don’t think we’ll solve the climate change by enacting these regulations dealing with minuscule stuff like attached bottle caps
    * It’s a proof for eurosceptics that EU invents bullshit laws and regulations

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