37 Individuals, Including 3 Americans are Sentenced to Death Over Failed DR Congo Coup

Posted by efeldman11


  1. The article points out that the Democratic Republic of the Congo has not carried out an execution in over 20 years and those who are sentenced to death end up serving life sentences

  2. Imagine hearing that your best friends dad is going to attempt a coup in his home country and deciding that you want to help his dad out and participate in the coup with them.. Also imagine being that kids parents and finding out that your son completely lied to you about the reason for the trip. Finding out that the reason your son is going to spend a couple weeks in africa with his friend isn’t because his friend wants to show him where he grew up,show him around the country, and hang out and shit; instead its cause your son thought it would be fun.cool to help his friends dad attempt a coup

  3. Thankfully, Funky Félix hasn’t used this to call his political opponents ‘”foreign agents”

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