Young Americans Cite Financial Reasons for Not Having Children

Posted by intelligentreviews


  1. To be fair, I don’t blame them. We really have to get the cost of living down…families are our backbone

  2. Level_Permission_801 on

    I keep hearing this as the reason, but then how do you explain the poorest in this country having the most babies? Or how about the poorest countries having the most babies?

    I think people not having babies goes much deeper than just a lack of money.

  3. These studies/surverys/whatever never ever mention the marriage rates. How are you going to afford a kid if you’re still single or have a guy who won’t commit and marry you? There are tons and tons of women who want kids, but can’t afford them because there is no male or there is one, but he won’t commit and a smart woman isn’t going to have a kid with a guy who won’t marry them. Most guys won’t marry (and will only co-habitate) as a way to make sure the woman won’t risk getting pregnant, or if they do marry, he maintains the threat that he will leave her if she dares to have a kid.

    Yes, it’s super expensive out there, but the lack of stable marriages and men who even want kids is the even bigger issue. The majority of women usually feel the desire for kids by the time they’re in their 30s, even if they’re single. Men, however, have found out they can get sex and someone to do all the cooking and cleaning and don’t even have to marry it or let it produce children.

    I’m not against birth control, but one of the positives before it existed is that men had no choice but accept kids would happen if they wanted to have sex. Now that they can get sex without the kids, they don’t want the kids because kids will always be “too expensive”.

    There are plenty of women who don’t want kids because it’s “too expensive”. But the vast majority of it is coming from the men not wanting kids. Women have a biological urge for children (which is why they load themselves down with multiple cats and dogs to try to ignore or soften the blow of not having kids), but men don’t have that urge, so it’s easier for them to get what they want and not give the woman what she wants.

  4. But Walz says they are way better off now than they were before Biden…is he lying, lying, lying?

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