Banner Year

Posted by Ok_Investment4623


  1. Ok_Investment4623 on

    Submission Statement: It seems like the Federal Reserve was created by elite families to be able to print unlimited money for themselves backed by the endless 60-80 hr week slave labor of the people (Federal Income Tax). But that’s just my crazy conspiracy theory, I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on it. They say the Fed was created to stabilize inflation and avoid economic depressions, but we’ve had multiple banking system failures and depressions since 1913 including the Great Depression and the 08-09 collapse. Inflation is up 3,000% since the creation of the Federal Reserve, while it remained stable before the Federal Reserve. It feels like we’re all working harder for equal or less standard of living and the elites are just printing our dollars unlimited, buying up all the assets, and looting us dry as a nation.

    We’re now $35 trillion in debt. We pay $1 trillion a year in interest expense to the bankers. We work 60-80 hr weeks to eat and have a roof over our heads. We are slaves to the elite bankers

  2. I will add that 1933 was another pivotal point when the U.S. abandoned the gold standard. We should have never done any of them. They only lead to further economic separation of the classes.

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