Raw footage and there is no sound of an airplane before impact

Posted by Mountain-Weekend-554


  1. it’s comical to me how there are news helicopters in the air, but then this “airplane” came out of nowhere.

    What I never understood is why even fake the airplane? Why couldn’t it just be the terrorists put bombs in the buildings? I think it might ritualistic as to why it was done the way it was, but seriously. That would have been more believable.

  2. No sound of an airplane? There’s also barely even sound of an explosion. Clearly it isn’t picking up every sound around. Also if there wasn’t a plane then that lady screamed in reaction EXTREMELY fast. Also there’s like a million videos with planes in them right?

    Also I would point out that the sound of the explosion, she screams before you hear that sound. I think she screamed because she saw the plane hitting it.

    But maybe I am wrong. Where are the 2 eyewitnesses i nthe video?

  3. Mysterious_Guitar_75 on

    I’m guess you weren’t alive during 9/11. Or too young. It seems to be only kids posting that the planes didn’t really exist.

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