Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters ‘Much More Likely’ to Vote Trump Over Harris

Posted by undue-influence


  1. Both are odious women. Taylor has beef with most successful artists and writes petty songs about them. Who could have known that Kanye was the sane one lol. Kamala’s staff can’t stand her. This doesn’t even have anything to do with politics, just that they are immature and only care about themselves. They shouldn’t be advising anyone on anything but look at self-improvement which at this point of their life, is a lost cause. Also remember that these type of people won’t waste time in using each other. Taylor’s image has been tarnished over the past few years, even on unhinged Reddit so she is using this as her way out of it. And Kamala just kicked Biden under the bus and ran him over front and back a few times.🤭

  2. It probably has more to do with the fact that people were better off under Trump and it is extremely bizarre that Harris is saying she is going to fix what she screwed up and isn’t doing it now but waiting until after the election. Her entire campaign is basically Biden/Harris ruined everything but vote me back and I can fix my own mistakes.

  3. Most people who aren’t swifties are getting tired of hearing about her. They had to cut down on showing her at Chief’s games because people were getting annoyed by it. Her endorsement isn’t going to be much of a boost, and it might even reaffirm some votes for Trump.

  4. Swift and Harris have alot in common. They are both man haters, flip floppers, and will give up on their morals easily.

    Swift has made mountains of money writing and singing breakup songs about how terrible men are. Harris has said every bad thing about men her tiny brain could think of. Swift got famous singing country songs, her early work even sounds decent. She gave that all up to sing ear wrenching pop music because that pays more. It was never about her fans, it was about how much money she could make and how many hearts she could break. Harris doesn’t stand for anything. She became VP to a guy she called a sexual assaulter. She has changed dozens of political stances to try to steal any vote she can.

    You got to stand for something, or you will fall for anything. Swift and Harris are examples that hold this idiom true.

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