They just caught Haitians cooking cats in Springfield Ohio

Posted by jellyfish22222


  1. I like how the video in the thumbnail isn’t included in the video it’s just jones talking out of his ass for 4 minutes.

  2. AnyAnalysis4535 on

    Listen, if I got hungry enough, I’d eat a fucking cat or dog or whatever.

    Can I be honest? Even if they were eating cats, I don’t really care. But let’s play devils advocate for a second.

    How can you prove this video was taken in that town in Ohio?

    How can you prove that the objects on the grill are in fact skinned cats ready to be cooked?

    How do we know a Haitian owns that grill?

    This video proves nothing. Show me a video of some Haitians grabbing cats off the street shoving them in a van, then I’ll be intrigued and subsequently not really care.

    The bigger problem is the strain on local resources and all the car accidents that are happening in that town, a question I want answered is how these immigrants who mostly don’t speak English are getting a drivers license?

    Follow up question, are they able to use those licenses to vote in the upcoming election?

    Not going to get answers to that because, “THEY BE EATING CATS OUT HERE!”

  3. The only Haitian subject we should talk about is the Clinton Foundation’s “work” there and missing kids

  4. MousseBackground9964 on

    But it’s not happening, that’s what our politicians are telling us and they never lie to us lol.

  5. That’s chicken… holy moly… have you never seen someone smoke or grill a whole chicken before?

  6. Vegetable-Length-823 on

    Ohio is a castle doctrine and a stand your ground state is only a matter of time until something pops off and the media will be all over it

  7. Eh ………I think that’s chickens. Jesus, the desperation in these people, dragging up any spurious cat news they can to try and prove a dumb thing Trump said was actually correct.

    I had one try and prove windmills do cause cancer once.

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