Biden said covid would give everyone Alzheimer’s and dementia back in 2021, and now data is coming out on MSM saying it’s true

Posted by Head-Broccoli-9117


  1. Head-Broccoli-9117 on

    Ss. Biden said everyone will have dementia or Alzheimer’s in the future during covid in bizarre rant, and now there’s data saying that may be true

  2. Hollywood-is-DOA on

    This a classic example of telling you the end result to make sure they don’t break the rules of freewill as they have told you the information, it was just up to the individual to listen or not listen in most cases.

  3. Mental_Parfait_3138 on

    This means they already knew this and now have been forced to release the data. But for them to know that at the time they did makes it clear its not COVID but actually side effect of the vaccine

  4. MilkyManOrangeJuice on

    If I were you I would look up the correlation between Aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s and then lookup the contents of the “stratospheric aerosol injections” aka chemtrails that anyone who bothers to look up from their phone to the formerly blue sky for 2 seconds can’t help but notice.

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