DeSantis: ‘Democrats Oppose Voter ID Because They Want There To Be Illegal Votes’

Posted by thatrightwinger


  1. wake-me-disclosure on

    On nearly all issues Democrats oppose, Republicans have to expose the truth like they are talking to fifth graders

    Sure, some Democrats know the truth but play along with the talking points and gas lighting

    Unfortunately, many Democrats actually believe mandating voter id is racist

    Undoing all the brainwashing from the left will take generations to even make a dent

    Evil shit going on

  2. social_dinosaur on

    I’d really like to hear a legitimate argument for not requiring photo id to vote. I really would.

  3. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t have an id issued by a state.

    To buy alcohol, tobacco, or have a bank account you have to have an id. Voting……nah……we trust you. 🤦‍♂️

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