He is a leading melanoma cancer researcher. He had a stage 4 glioblastoma a year ago and is now cured by using his homemade concoction of chemicals.

FYI I don't think anybody has ever been cured of a glioblastoma, I could be wrong but it would be extremely rare.


It just seems strange that a leading cancer expert gets cured of a virtually incurable cancer.

Posted by Common-Car-2181


  1. >”It just seems strange that a leading cancer expert gets cured of a virtually incurable cancer.”

    All you can do is call it that. Strange. And then ignore it. The medical industrial complex exists to make money – it’s more stark than ever. Most hospitals you enter are for-profit gulags, looking to leverage ANY subject of theirs that walks through the doors. You tacitly give them full reign on their diagnosis/actions. They will bark back if you question anything: “We do it for liability reasons, and you can always leave.” etc.

    And everybody buckles. These psychos harvest organs like crack dealers on a street corner looking for anything to bring in cash. It’s the darkest bullsh!t in the world. Hospitals. And trusting “doctors” with your life, when your organs are worth 750k on the market and you have a tummy ache and need to be put under.

  2. Distinct-Fee-5272 on

    There’s a group on Facebook with hundreds of people with same story and regiments. I know of 1 person personally who was t old to go to hospice, did home remedy and continuing it but cancer is gone.

  3. I’ve long thought about how I’d react to getting the news of terminal cancer. I’d like to think that I treat it just like everything else in my life and simply deny it’s reality. Might drink a little bit more water though

  4. Cancer isn’t what we are told that it is. Cancer is actually your body’s last ditch effort to try and save itself. Why would your body create a tumor? It creates a tumor in order to wall off dead/decomposing tissue, so that it doesn’t poison the rest of the body. All cancer patients have a highly acidic blood ph, and low oxygen levels at the damaged tissue. You make the blood more alkaline, and flood the body with oxygen to make it better, not poison it further with chemo drugs and radiation.

  5. He used a custom vaccine together with immunotherapy. A lot of anti-vaccination people here probably…

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