19 New conflicts started between George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. 0 New conflicts started under Trumps Presidency.

George H. W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barak Obama

Joe Biden

Posted by External-Noise-4832


  1. Independent-Tap1315 on

    Both hitmen were Republicans. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe it’s just Trump’s extremism and the fact that he’s destroyed the Republican party?

  2. RomanEmpireNeverFell on

    Depending on your definition of attempt/plot

    HW has has 0-1 (maybe some Kuwait nationals)

    Clinton has at least 3 at most 5

    W has 1 -2

    Obama has 4-10

    Trump has 3-4

    Biden has 1

  3. SuspiciousWarning184 on

    Trump canceled the INF Treaty, which led to the redeployment of intermediate ballistic missiles on European soil. He also put American boots on the ground to occupy the southeastern part of Syria and openly steal their oil. Trump also imposed Ceasar sanctions on the Syrian people. He droned more people than Obama.

    However, his main achievement was declaring war on the American people through COVID-19, lockdowns, the Cares Act, and bioweapon injections (which he proudly boasts as his achievement).

  4. The bigger they are, the harder they are going to fall.

    Because the bottom line message from The Word in the language in which it was first received is;

    “All egos Shall be flattened.” Zephaniah Ch 1

    No human Will can truly change something that was planned before it even began.

    You can drive yourself crazy and sour/bitter focusing on this garbage.

    Should focus your Mind on our Father Love’s perfect plan of salvation for ALL, eventually, It hasn’t missed a beat since it started.

    Everything that one could possibly want to know, and everything else that you wish you didn’t have to 😁 but at least it’s all temporal 😇

    In The Word in the language in which it was first received,

    First spoken, then written, and then affirmed, confirmed and fulfilled (Pslam 22) by The Living Word. ✨️✝️💫 Death Defeated.

    Or believe whatsoever you like, we were warned loooong ago, believe in dead, dying and death and one shall surely experience much sadness, pain, fear and confusion.

    There is no one dead and no one dying, just a lot of a$$holes that get paid for lying, and dumb a$$ temporal flesh humans are just buying it up.

    Wake up people, the Good News is, is that you couldn’t die even if you wanted to, except of embarrassment.

    And you are saved whether you want to be or not, and there is nothing that you or anyone else can do about it, because it wasn’t any human Will that our Father Love’s Annointed One affirmed, confirmed and fulfilled (Pslam 22) and is The Living Testament of ✨️

    Colossians 3 1-11 and just get Living the life, the eternal one, not this temporal house of pain 😁

  5. External-Noise-4832 on

    The United States has been involved in 108 military conflicts. 20 military conflicts have been started since 1989.

    – George H.W. Bush; 5 wars started, 2 ended.

    – Bill Clinton; 2 Wars started, 4 ended 1 in Defeat.

    – George W. Bush; 5 Wars started, 1 ended.

    – Barrack Obama; 7 Wars started, 2 ended.

    – Donald Trump; 0 Wars started, 4 ended.

    – Joe Biden; 1 War started, 3 ended, 2 in defeat.


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