How School Drop-Off Became a Nightmare

Posted by Rigiglio


  1. > Some city planners take the car line as proof of our failure to create the kind of people-centered neighborhoods families thrive in. Climate scientists might consider it a nitrogen-oxide-drenched environmental disaster. Scolds might rail at what they see as helicopter parents chaperoning their kids everywhere. Some pediatricians might point out the health threats: sedentary children breathing fumes or at risk of being hit by a car.

    And r/neoliberal commenters say: yes, all of the above!

  2. hmmmm I think the best solution is to build more highways and Euclidean-zoned SFH neighborhoods

  3. Whatever happened to the School Bus? I thought that car-centered suburbs had school buses pick kids up from their home addresses?

    I wouldn’t know, I lived walking distance from my school in a walkable urban metropolis, my parents walked me to school until I was old enough to walk myself, and when we moved further away from it I just took the subway.

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