New York Times’ tech staff threatens strike during Election Day crunch

Posted by gary_oldman_sachs


  1. > A spokesperson for the paper also said that while the union has argued that the strike is a fight for fair wages, the average total compensation of someone in the Tech Guild unit, including salary, bonuses and restricted stock options, is $190,000 — $40,000 more on average than journalists in the Times Guild

    while this is true, the total compensation that tech employees get at the times is about 50% of what they’d get at standard bay area-esque tech companies [per](, which i only note because the NYT’s interview process is modeled after those companies (8+ rounds, leetcoding, etc.)

    IMO engineers there do have room to negotiate in that a lot of them, particularly those that are senior + staff level, could probably find higher paying positions in NYC.

  2. MonkeyKingCoffee on

    *New York Times’ tech staff threatens strike during Election Day crunch…* and here’s why that’s bad news for Democrats.

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