Tim Walz Thinks Your Kids Belong To The Public School System

Posted by mewybummy


  1. Kamala’s VP Tim Walz doesn’t really care that kids in public schools can’t read or do math at grade level. But he vehemently supports taking children away from parents who refuse to transition them while they’re still minors.

  2. EntranceCrazy918 on

    School vouchers are the way forward. I say this as a teacher. The reason the institutions resist this sane reform so much is because it instantly removes the state’s ability to propagandize the majority.

    Each family with a child who is an AMERICAN CITIZEN gets $X that follows the child around. The money can be spent on private schools, state schools, or homeschooling, but the money has to be tracked to educational expenses. Children with a major disability or special needs get $X+$Y. If you’re not an American citizen, you must pay out of pocket.

    If people are fearful of diploma mills, then you can create different certifications and standards. Schools can boast and advertise the standards they met. And let’s be frank: most inner-city public schools are already diploma mills. Private competition would create different types of schools. Academically-inclined high schoolers stuck in impoverished communities would be able to attend quality private schools. Artsy kids would be able to attend schools for art majors. Etc.

    It’s really that simple.

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