They have been slowly implementing this censorship over the years. Like a slow poison infecting Democracy.

Posted by Healith


  1. That sub banned me for asking why NASA was spending millions to study grape growth in France on a post about NASA studying grape growth in France.

  2. they’re all owned by the corporations that own the hospitals that were built in the last decade+. The medical personnel push corporate drugs instead of actual lab work to diagnose . They no longer take samples to detect viruses (flu) like they did 20+ years ago. They now just say oh you have COVID or whatever bs they’re pushing at the moment. They’re always pushing some drug as a solution without real diagnosis , get a side effect , oh ‘try’ this drug , that causes more side effects, more drugs for those… Until you’re a Medical drug addict , till you die … Broke

    I refuse to even take a aspirin ! 🖕🖕medical lab coat mass murdering cunts

  3. cogoutsidemachine on

    I was banned from there too for commenting on the same post. this is what I said:

    “Reading these comments really brings tears to my eyes. People are finally waking up and I’m all for it”

  4. You went to a science sub and call them all liars. And his proof was “google it”. Seriously dude, What do you expect?

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