Billie Eilish Endorses Kamala Harris by Smearing Trump and His Supporters: ‘We Cannot Let Extremists Control Our Lives, Our Freedoms and Our Future’

Posted by knutterchini


  1. That’s it, keep dividing the country further and further. At some point we are going to lose all off ramps for this course we are on.

  2. Hey look! Another ‘celebrity’ opinion. Sellout people without a clue reading nonsense from the script, influencing other people who haven’t got and don’t actually want to have a clue. Reminds me of Kamala’s moronic word salad.

  3. SomeoneHad2FuknSayIt on

    So Democrats think that if you aren’t a radical Marxist, you’re an “extremist”. 🤣

  4. Yes, extreme for wanting lower prices, border security, stable foreign affairs, etc.

    Very extreme.

  5. I didn’t really have anything against Billie. She has mediocre music that just isn’t my style. I did find it admirable that she chose her style of clothing in part because she didn’t want people to judge her by her looks but judge her because of her music. Then I saw a clip of her saying

    “Why is every pretty girl with a horrible-looking man? Listen, I’m not shaming people for their looks but I am though. You give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world. I swear to god, because they got a hot girl, they can be horrible.”

    Funny how it’s okay to insult a man’s looks but if you insult a woman an entire legion of women come and harass you.

  6. BruceCampbell123 on

    No, no we certainly cannot. We need to bring things back to normalcy. Kamala says “We’re not going back”. I say, “Yes we are.”

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